Goudie, Andrew


著者の属性 個人
一般注記 His Duricrusts in tropical and subtropical landscapes, 1973
Chemical sediments and geomorphology, 1983: t.p. (A.S. Goudie; Sch. of Geography, Univ. of Oxford)
His The Encyclopaedic dictionary of physical geography, 1985
His The Nature of the environment, 2nd ed., 1989: t.p.(Andrew Goudie)
EDSRC:The Environment of the British Isles, an atlas / A.S. Goudie and D. Brunsden(Clarendon Press, 1994)
から見よ参照 Goudie, A. S.
Goudie, Andrew S.
コード類 典拠ID=1000011373  NCID=DA00286195
1 The human impact on the natural environment / Andrew Goudie : hc,: pb. - 5th ed. - Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press , 2000